End of year giving information
It is the policy of Encounter to provide a receipt for each gift given in a timely fashion. Therefore the total receipts given to a donor for a particular year may serve as necessary documentation of your deductible contributions for Federal tax purposes. If you have misplaced a receipt from a particular year or would like a report summarizing your giving for a particular year, you may contact Art Trawick at (717) 545-2855 or Email.
Charitable contributions must be claimed in the year in which they are delivered. An exception to that rule is a check mailed to ERM. That gift would be deductible in the year the check is mailed (and postmarked), even if it is received early in the next year. Gifts using our online web service will be treated as gifts made as of the date your credit card is charged.
PLEASE NOTE: Gifts to the support or ministry accounts of missionaries are gifts “to or for the benefit of” Encounter Revival Ministries, and fully deductible for federal income tax purposes, if you itemize your deductions. Gifts of cash are deductible up to 50% of adjusted gross income (AGI) and gifts of appreciated property are deductible up to 30% of AGI.
Are gifts to Encounter tax deductible?
Gifts and donations made to Encounter designated for a purpose under the control of Encounter are tax deductible. This includes gifts for support of a staff member, special missionary project or the general fund. Non-cash gifts for these purposes are also deductible when handled according to IRS regulations. Gifts made for purposes not under the control of Encounter are not tax deductible. For example, if a cash contribution is designated as a birthday gift or Christmas gift, it is not a tax deductible gift. If you have a question regarding a specific gift, e-mail Art Trawick, Encounter’s financial officer.
How do I make a gift to Encounter?
Gifts can be made by cash, check or money order and mailed to 2200 Blue Mountain Parkway, Harrisburg, PA 17112 or you can donate online. You may call by phone at (717) 545-2855 to make a donation using your credit card as well.
How do I support a staff member?
Contact the Encounter Office to make arrangements to support a specific missionary or missionaries. You can make a one-time gift, a pledge, a monthly gift, or yearly gift. Please include the following information:
Your full name
Your address
Your telephone number and email address
The purpose of the donation (i.e. staff member support, a special project, general fund, etc.). Be specific. If your gift is intended to support a special project, describe the project or use an assigned project name.
Can I give by credit card?
You can give an online gift using your credit card.
How does Encounter acknowledge or receipt my gifts?
The Financial Department mails a receipt to each donor for each gift. The receipt has a detachable bottom portion that can be sent in a return envelope with your next contribution. The receipt will indicate if the gift is tax deductible or non-tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. Click here for more information.
How do I send my gift if I have misplaced my receipt?
Send your check and a short note indicating you have misplaced your receipt. Please include your name, address, and the missionary's name and/or project that you desire to support.
How can I request a duplicate receipt for one I misplaced or did not receive?
Call, write or e-mail Encounter and our Financial Department will assist you in obtaining the correct information and a duplicate receipt for the time period required.
Can I give an auto or other property to a missionary?
Yes, Encounter is glad to help you make a "gift-in-kind." IRS guidelines control valuation and acknowledging such gifts. See How to Give a Non-Cash Gift for more information.
How does Encounter acknowledge or receipt my non-cash gift?
Gifts-in-kind are acknowledged through a gift-in-kind letter. Encounter cannot state a value or place a value for such gifts, but we can help you meet IRS regulations to substantiate your deduction. Contact Art Trawick of our Financial Department or e-mail him. For more information, click here.
How can I be sure my gift will go to the right missionary project?
For legal and tax reasons, all gifts to Encounter are under the control of our Board and subject to our policies and discretion. However, Encounter honors the designations of our partners when you carefully identify the purpose. We will see your gift is properly applied, and your receipt will include this information. Our Financial Department can research your giving history and answer your questions.
What do you do with my name and address information?
Encounter is committed to protect the identity of its partners. We do not share or rent our list of contributors or other names with any other organization. We send appeals for funds from time to time to those on our list, but only when there is a real need.