God is Speaking... Did You Hear Him?

Many people are waiting for God to write on a wall, appear in a dream or speak audibly in order to know that God is trying to communicate. Although we know that God could write on walls or use any other means that He wishes, we understand that God is speaking to His children through the Word, circumstances, people, books, spiritual music and all situations of life as the Holy Spirit witnesses truth to our inner man. The problem is that many are not listening or are not in a spiritual condition to “hear” God speak. The spiritual “ear” is not really interested in hearing what God is communicating. Often people only want to hear from God when they are in deep problems and need to be rescued and helped. Otherwise, they are happy just to go on in their own self-reliance and wisdom. Another hindrance to hearing God’s voice is that the mind is filled with “corruption” of the world. Scripture reminds us that we must be careful to guard what we allow to enter and stay in our mind, for it is from these thoughts and ideas that our actions, conduct and words are created. Check Matthew 12:34-35, Proverbs 4:23 and other such passages to be reminded that “what” is in the mind is crucial to what is going on in the life. Yet another hindrance to hearing God is a limited amount time in the Word. In II Timothy 3:16 we are reminded that “all Scripture” is from God. We are holding in our hand the Word of God, and He desires to communicate His Word to us, but we MUST read, study, meditate and anchor our lives and minds in the Word. If you want to hear from God and know Him and His will, then spend time in the Word. Be careful! In our “instant society mindset,” it is easy to fall into the trap of busyness with only a few moments for God and His Word. Lack of prayer is another hindrance to hearing God speak. Prayer is not just a time to come and give God a list of wanted things. Certainly, we are encouraged to bring our requests to God, but we must be careful not to get caught up in our list and forget to “wait” and “listen” in the presence of God as He speaks to the heart. A very serious hindrance for the believer is to be involved in sin and failing to respond to the conviction of the Spirit of God to deal with these matters. These “sins” block the way for hearing and knowing the voice of God. One must obediently and Biblically deal with these sins to clear the way for hearing God. Are you in the right place, with the right heart attitude and the right spiritual condition to hear God? Henry Blackaby writes in his book, Hearing God’s Voice, “God is speaking. The problem is people have become disoriented to His voice.” (I suggest you purchase this book for more study on this subject) Yes, God is speaking to His children, but are we listening and obeying?


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