Watch Out for Anger

Colossians 3:8, Psalms 37:8,86:15, Proverbs 14:29, Ecclesiastes 7:9

It is easy to be angry and to get upset with the words and actions of others.  Often in times of anger, words are spoken that later one wishes they had never spoken.  In the moments of anger - family, friends, and associations are driven away from one’s life and barriers are constructed that sometimes take years to clear away. In the encounters with others the follower of Christ must:

  • Trust God to lead and yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit

  • Fill the mind with godly thoughts

  • Remember others are faced often with extreme challenges

  • Pray for guidance and wisdom

  • Pray for others

It is in anger and the pressures of the moment that people are driven away from the Lord or drawn to Him through one’s obedience to the Bible and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: God, guide and give me wisdom and spiritual eyes to see beyond the challenging situation.




Light in the Storm