Obedience is the Key

Matthew 19:16-22, Deuteronomy 11:1, John 15:14, II John 1:6, Luke 11:28

Often believers ask God for wisdom and direction and then become frustrated in what they believe God is telling them to do.  So it is with the man in the Matthew passage. He wanted to know what God wanted and when he found out he went away sad.  In the Old Testament, we are told that “obedience is more important than sacrifice”, which reminds us that God is most concerned about our obedience to His Word and leading.  Someone has said that “partial obedience is disobedience” so it is imperative that one focus on complete obedience in every area of life.  God does not expect humans to be perfect, but He does expect them to obey.  It would be advantageous now to stop and evaluate to see if obedience to God is evident in your life today

Prayer: Lord, show me every aspect of my life today that needs changing so I am obedient to You.


March Quote


How One Sees