On the Face
Proverbs 4:23, 15:13-15, 17:22, Philippians 4:8, Matthew 12:34
The expressions on one’s face reveal what is in the heart. Often a fake smile is given when resentment and anger are harbored in the heart. It is important that the heart is cleansed from sin so one’s words and actions are motivated by a clean and obedient heart. The heart often conceals:
Private sins
Resentment and anger
All these sins and more corrupt the heart and show up on the face and in one’s conduct. God desires to free the heart (inner person) and open the life for His will to be done. It is best to obey the Lord and bring the heart's secrets to Him for cleansing, removal, and freedom.
Prayer: Lord, You know my heart and I ask for Your cleansing and freedom so my face can reveal Your presence and power in my life.