
Psalms 1:1, Proverbs 16:1-2, Joshua 1:8, II Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:2, Matthew 5:13-16

Life is made up of choices. Today you will make many choices and many of them will have a great impact on the way you interact with others and your future. For the follower of Christ the choices are to:

  • Honor the Lord

  • Draw others to see Christ working in one’s life

  • Be the right choices based on the Bible

  • Be Witnesses of the work of Christ in our life

  • Be an example of the believers

And more. The choices we make and the decisions we follow are of great importance as one chooses to either follow God’s plan or the plan of the world. Yes, many are watching to see who and which way the believer will choose to follow. One can say they are “followers of Christ” but make worldly choices that distract from the presence and power of Christ and have a great effect on others. So, be careful, prayerful, and obedient in all your choices for they do make a difference.

Prayer: Lord, I yield to You now and ask for Your wisdom in the choices and decisions I make today.

Project: Write a list of choices that are before you today, commit them to the Lord, and ask for guidance and His wisdom in all choices



