Clean It Out

Ephesians 4:30-32, II Corinthians 7:1, Hebrews 12:15, I Samuel 15:32, I John 1:9

During our life journey, everyone has been or will probably be hurt by another.  It may be unkind words that are spoken or some act that causes embarrassment or anger.  In time, if this matter is not confessed and resolved, it turns into bitterness and corruption of the inner person.  In a state of bitterness, a person often speaks words that do not make sense, they do things that hurt others and create more problems.  It is a disaster that this matter of a bitter spirit is often not confessed and cared for Biblically and just gets bigger and more involved. Jesus said that “out of the heart the mouth speaks”. So, if the person is harboring bitterness, they are prone to speak unkind and unnecessary words. Although the relationship may not be a close friendship, it is imperative that the bitterness is not held in the inner person.  If a person does not confess the sin of anger and bitterness their life is contaminated and affected by holding on to this situation. Therefore, it is important that the follower of Christ confesses their sin of a bitter spirit and turns the person and situation over to the Lord. 

Prayer: Lord, cleanse my inner person and guide me to forgive the one that has acted against me so I can be a clean and useable vessel in Your hand.

Project: List the areas of bitterness in your life, turn them over to God.


Praying For Others

