Abundant Life

John 10:10, Matthew 6:33, Galatians 2:20, John 17:3, John 6:40 Psalms 37:4

One can have an abundant life in Christ as they accept Him as Savior and follow the Bible.  Obedience is the key to an abundant life.  Now, this does not mean that the one that obeys the Bible is free from troubles and trials in life.  In this life, there are problems, diseases, troubles, and challenges.  This does not mean that an act of sin is behind every illness or hurt.  However, there Is the “peace that passeth all understanding” which only God can give as His supernatural work in the believer’s life. As people in this world search for freedom and abundant life, the person that has accepted Christ as savior is free from the penalty and power of sin.  In the abundant life a person:

  • Lives differently

  • Speaks differently

  • Responds differently

  • Behaves differently

  • Conducts their life differently because of the transforming power of Christ in their heart

It is this “abundant life” that attracts the unbeliever and eyes are opened to the work of Christ.

Prayer: Lord, use me today to be a good representative of the abundant life I have in Your work in and on my life.

Project: List ways you can show others the abundant life you have in Christ.


Impacting Others for Godliness


Praying For Others