Slow Down

Psalms 55:22, John 16:33, Isaiah 40:31, Psalms 27:13-14, Lamentations 3:25, James 5:7-8

Katerina Von Schlegel wrote the words to Be Still My Soul and later these words were translated by Jane Brothwink. Not much is known of these ladies but often the words, “Be still my soul, the Lord is on our side” run through the mind and do the work of the Lord in slowing down the inner person.  Many times a person is running at such a hectic pace that their soul is burdened, confused, and overwhelmed. Although the human body is a uniquely created instrument by God is not made to carry burdens, troubles, and anxiety.  It is best to slow down and be still before our God and as one writer stated, “Quiet the noisy soul”. A few minutes each day are very helpful in slowing down the soul so that one becomes a much more useable vessel in the hand of God.

Prayer: Lord, I wait before You in the belief that You alone give the peace that my soul so greatly needs.



