Don’t Hang On
Mark 11:23-6, Matthew 15:21, Colossians 3:13, Luke 6:37, Ephesians 4:31-32
Many people are burdened down in life due to something that happened in the past or some harsh words that were spoken to them. However, rather than moving on, they have chosen to hang on and focus on the situation or the person. So, they can become obsessed and in bondage to what has happened instead of enjoying the abundant life in Christ. It is difficult for some to forgive as it seems that the other person is getting away with wrong, and the human desire is to get even. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 12:17-21 that God is keeping the record and He will work in the situation. So, we should forgive, let it go, and move on in life. Many people are stuck in a rut of bitterness that affects every area of their life when they could be free from the person if they would “forgive from their heart” and go on. The bondage of what has happened or words that have been spoken leads to anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, and much more.
Prayer: Lord, guide me to clearly see anyone or a situation I have allowed to control my mind and life and work in my life to forgive and to go on. Help me to do this for Your glory and honor and the freedom that only You can give.