Your Assignment Today
Ephesians 2:10, Ephesians 4:1-6, Romans 12:2, Hebrews 13:1-3
Many people plan for tomorrow and beyond but forget about today. God has a plan for each of His children for today as He has assigned them to various places and tasks. Don’t miss out on what God has given you to do today. It could be:
Helping a person in need
Sharing His Word
Giving food to the hungry
Working diligently as His ambassador
Or some other project God has for your today. Remember:
As a believer, you are not your own
You serve the Lord of Lords
You only have today
God is keeping account
There is a day of accountability
Have a great time on your assignment today. It is a great joy to serve the Living God and to do His will each day.
My declaration: I will do God’s will today