
Philippians 4:4, Isaiah 61:10, Habakkuk 3:18, James 1:2, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 5:3-4, Psalms 33:1

Have you heard of the things a person says, “this is easy preaching, but hard living”? Well, this is one of those areas as we are instructed in the Bible to “rejoice always” in the Lord and His ways in life. It is fairly easy to be happy and rejoice when everything is okay but it does become more burdensome when one has problems, hurts suffering, troubles, pain, and challenges. However, we must remember that “in this life, we will have troubles”, for we live in a sinful world, and this results in pain, troubles, suffering, hurt, regrets, bondage, and much more. However, it is as the believer walks through their daily life that it is the victory of Christ that brings rejoicing:

  • In Christ, a person is set free from the penalty and power of sin

  • That God knows the way

  • That God will never leave His own

  • For God gives grace (strength) to endure

As the follower of Christ “rejoices” and lives a life of victory in the Lord… they have the joy of being a light to their world (Matthew 5:13-16).

Prayer: Lord, I do rejoice in the victories that You give.

Project: List ways to rejoice today as you point others to Christ.


In The Storm

