Choices Today

Proverbs 15:1-33, Matthew 7: 13-14, Proverbs 3:5-7

Each day one has the opportunity and responsibility to make many choices. From the food one eats, to clothes and the places they will go, and much more.  All-day long one is faced with a great variety of choices that determines many other things. In Proverbs 15 we are reminded about choices in:

  • The words one speaks

  • The way one lives

  • The things one holds in the heart (inner person)

  • Whether to live in obedience to the Lord or not

  • Whether we are content or discontent

We must remember, as someone has said, “every choice has a consequence”. So, one must be careful, sensitive, and obedient in all their choices today for they will determine and set the course for something else.

Prayer: Lord, give me wisdom, understanding, and vision in all my choices today.


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