
Joshua 1:8-9, John 15:14, II John 1:6, Luke 11:28

If one is not obedient and careful they can become, as one writer has said, “A walking container of poison.” This poison is demonstrated by their:

  • Words

  • Actions

  • Responses to God

  • Responses to others

  • Behavior and conduct

Yes, we all have situations and people in our lives that create problems. However, it is only as one anchors their life in the Bible that deliverance is possible.  It is essential that a believer is in the Bible and meditates in and on the Word for victory and freedom so they do not become a walking “container of poison” in everyday life.

My Declaration: I will stay in the Bible so God can do His work in my life and free me to be His vessel of honor to others.


God Sees


February Quote