God Sees

Proverbs 6:21, 15:3, Psalms 11:4 147:5, Job 34:21, Hebrews 4:13

Some people think they can hide from God and what they do in secret will not be known.  Many unthinkable things are done in the darkness of night to hide one’s actions.  However, we are reminded in the Bible that God sees all things, whether in daylight or darkness. It is imperative that obedience to God and His Word is what is before each person as this is the key to life.  Obedience to the Bible and the ways of God is the great key to God’s blessings and power.  It is certain that no one is perfect, but the heart and life are to be focused in and on God’s plan.  Much is said today about revival and this is certainly needed.  However, revival is obedience to the Lord and this is the key to a life of meaning, purpose, and service.

Prayer: I praise You Lord for always being with me and seeing all that I do.  I commit to obey You and Your Word in all my thoughts, actions, and words this day.


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