Your Family
Ephesians 5:27-29, I Corinthians 7:1-6, Psalms 78:1-7, Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Technology continues to increase and devices are being developed to see millions of miles, study and make conclusions, store data, and much more. With all the advances in technology and the multitude of things that happen in our world, it is vitally important that the believer cultivate and maintain a growing relationship with the Lord and teach the younger generation to love and follow the Lord also. Young people are being challenged with many ungodly ideas and plans. It is imperative that they be shown and taught the truths of God’s Word and that the Lord be honored. It is the challenge of parents and grandparents to:
Guard their minds
Cultivate and deepen their relationship with the Lord
Show and tell the younger generation of God and His ways
Guide young people to activities and living that is in obedience to the Word
My declaration: I will live godly and guide my family into Biblical truths.