Looking at Others
I Peter 5:6-7, Colossians 3:12, Ephesians 4:2, James 4:8-10 Luke 14:11, Micah 6:8
It is easy to think that other people are not as good as oneself and that others are even at a lower place in life. However, it is this kind of attitude that has a person on a downhill slide as they think they are better than others. We are reminded in Scripture:
Not to judge others. Matthew 7:1-5
Be careful why we choose what we do. Luke 14:7-11
Pride and a proud attitude lead to trouble. Proverbs 16:18-20
Reach out to others in need. Proverbs 19:17
Be sensitive to people who have problems. Galatians 6:2
It is God’s plan that His followers have His spirit of humility. Humility is careful to remember that God sees and knows all things and that He will bring every life into account someday. It is vitally important that one is careful to be a humble servant of the Lord; not condemning and judging others.
Prayer: Lord, I want to be Your vessel today caring and investing in others as You lead. Open my spiritual eyes and life to be Your hand to others.