The Right Direction

Proverbs 1:7, 3:5-6, 19:23, Job 28:28, II Chronicles 19:7, Matthew 10:28

Many people today are going down the road that leads away from God and they expect to find answers for life. However, this will lead to confusion and problems as they continue down this road. Joy, peace, freedom, and cleansing are not found on the path away from God.  It is as one turns around and sets their life towards God that they do find real life. This takes place as a person:

  • Believes the Bible

  • Confesses their sins

  • Turns and faces their life to obey and follow God

  • Opens their heart, mind, and life to the Word

  • Trusts in God to do what is best

It is in the fear and respect of God and His Word that a person finds true knowledge.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the knowledge that You give as I obey and follow Your Word.


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