Hope Today

Jeremiah 17:7, 29:11, II Corinthians 4:18 Romans 12:2, 15:4, Psalms 147:11, Romans 15:13

People today often center their hope on a variety of people and things only to discover that they are temporary. Then, as a result, change their hope to other people and things.  If one is to have a hope that outlasts things of this world they must:

  • Trust in Christ as their personal Savior

  • Anchor their life in the Bible

  • See the things of this world as temporary

  • Cultivate hope in the Lord

As attracted as people may be to things of this world, it soon wears out, and hope is destroyed. But as one trusts in the Lord, their hope is strengthened and deepened as they obey the Word of God.  If hope is to be lasting and gives one what they need it only can be in God.

Prayer: Deliver me, Lord, from placing my hope in the things and people of this world and focus it on You and Your Word.


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