Philippians 4:5, II Peter 1:5-7, Colossians 3:12, Proverbs 15:1, 16:24, Galatians 6:10, 5:22-23
Signs give a lot of details about people and situations. Each day we are exposed to family, friends, co-workers, and many others as they quickly become aware of the many things that are going on in our life. Dr. Francis Grubbs has written in his book, The Glory of Aging, “if this flesh is not brought under the control of the mind, as the body grows older it will also cast a pall of weakness, frailty, and decadence over the mind and spirit to rob us of any joy, fulfillment, and patience-thus making aging miserable.” It is in the gentleness of our words, actions, reactions, and conduct in general that others see how we are responding to the Lord and obeying His commands. It really does make a difference how we conduct our life each day for one does not know how many days they have to be a life-changing vessel for the Lord.
Prayer: Lord, I yield to You today and pray that Your gentleness will be seen in my life thus drawing others to You.