Who Are You Following
Ephesians 5:1-2, Deuteronomy 5:33, Psalms 119:133, 128:1, Matthew 8:34, John 12:26
Children often follow each other as they joyfully play games of “follow the leader” running and laughing as they play along. However, as one gets older they must be careful who they follow and the patterns for life they are establishing. The atmosphere in much of society today is to “follow” and be like others in speech, actions, dress, and conduct. People who have neglected God and His Word display their life for others to see and follow. Parents, grandparents, spiritual leaders, and elderly believers must be careful to teach and show the younger generations to follow the Lord as taught in the Bible. Yes, who and what a person follows sets the course for life and eternity. Be sure who and what you are following so you are being led where you really want to end up.
Prayer: Thank You Lord for the Bible and for guiding me by Your Holy Spirit to go in the way I should go. I want my life to honor You and lead others to follow You.