Obey the Lord

Proverbs 8:32 Jeremiah 7:23, 26:13, II Corinthians 10:5, I Samuel 15:22, Isaiah 1:19

Going by the rules is the best as a person often discovers.  When a person decides to ignore or stretch the rules they often find themselves in great trouble whether it be the athlete or the driver.  When this happens a person forgets, “every choice has consequences.” As the wise person is often reminded, It could be the consequence of:

  • Punishment

  • Trouble

  • Hurting actions or words

  • Rejection

  • Bondage

  • Destruction (or worse)

However, the serious and obedient believer heeds the Bible and is “blessed” by the Lord.  It is not that they become instantly rich but God has many ways of blessing a person who obeys.

Prayer: Oh Lord, guide me today and may I do Your will and obey Your Word in all that I do.


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