Out of the Rut

I Peter 5:7, Isaiah 43:18, Psalms 51:10, Philippians 1:21, 3:13

Unfortunately, it is common for a believer to live in the thoughts and grip of yesterday.  Instead of tackling the challenges and opportunities of the day, they are thinking and living in what happened or did not happen in days gone by.  Their perspective on life has taken God out of the picture and as Dr. Tony Evans reminds us in his book, Detours - they are looking at situations without God in the picture and missing the blessings of the day. Because of this, they are overwhelmed with the challenges of the past. The believer needs to:

  • Turn all of their life over to God

  • Thank God for all He is doing

  • Look at the many blessings of God

  • Pray that God would open the eyes of their soul to see the needs of others and move to help them.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for what You are doing to get me out of the rut of life and center my attention on Your moving and working in my life..


Peace in the Heart

