Are You Listening?
John 10:27-28, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 4:12, II Timothy 3:16, Matthew 7:24, Jeremiah 29:11, John 15: 1-27
Many times parents asked their children if they are listening to the instructions and counsel that's given at the time. The parent is seeking to remind the child that what they are saying is important. So it is as believers go about each day and have a wide variety of encounters. God is speaking to His children through the ministry of His Holy Spirit, the Bible, and people as they consider how, when, and what to do in response to the encounter. It is vitally important that the followers of Christ listen to the leading of the Lord for each step. Since the Lord has promised “never to leave or forsake His own”, it is in all events of life that our Lord is speaking, leading, reminding, instructing, guiding, and giving wisdom to His own. It is extremely important that the believer listens to and obeys the moving of God in every aspect of life.
Prayer: Lord, open my spiritual ears so that my inner person hears You clearly in the events of this day.