Romans 8:28-39, Isaiah 65:24, John 14:1, Psalms 34:6
Nearly every day one is faced with challenges, problems, struggles, and pain that could drive a person to worry, anxiety, depression, and more. The great missionary Hudson Taylor said many years ago, “You are where you’re supposed to be at this very moment. Every experience is part of God’s divine plan.” It is often hard to see that God is in the events, so the Apostle Paul, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has written that “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” It is in the mysterious, gracious hand of God as He moves and makes “all things” that bring rejoicing to the soul (Philippians 4:4-7). Rather than being angry with the events, people, and circumstances each day, it brings strength to the inner person when one remembers “all things”. As someone said many years ago, “all means all and that’s all, all means”.
Prayer: Thank You Lord that You’re in all things.