A Good Steward
Matthew 25:26-27, James 1:17, II Corinthians 9:6-7, Colossians 3:23
Being a good, sensitive, and obedient steward is what our Lord expects of each believer. Since everything we have is a gift from Him, the believer must remember that one day they will give an account to the Lord for how they took care of what God had given to them. It is vitally important that the followers of Christ care for and use each gift Biblically. It is also important that each believer is carefully obedient to the Lord and does not become wrapped up in trying to satisfy people rather than their Lord. It is easy to get one’s focus on others rather than the Lord, and seek then to become a people-pleaser rather than seeking to honor the Lord. In Matthew 6:33 the believer is reminded to ”seek first the kingdom of God” using all of the gifts of the Lord as a good steward, well-pleasing unto the Lord.
Prayer: Lord, help me keep my eyes and life focused on being a good steward of all that You have given to me and faithfully obeying Your Word.