Tell Them

Psalms 71:17-18, Joshua 4:21-22, Judges 2:10, Deuteronomy 6:16-25

I read recently that nearly 60% of teenagers turn away from Christ by their eighteenth birthday.  If this statistic is true, then we must be directing, guiding, and helping young people learn about God and remind them of all that God does in our life.  We can remind the younger people by:

  • Sharing answers to prayer

  • Telling them how God works circumstances out in our life

  • Showing them how to live by being a godly example

  • Reading the Bible

  • Sharing favorite Bible verses with them

  • Reminding them of the miracles that Christ did in the Bible

These are some of the ways it is our privilege to bring our Lord to young people.  It would be wise to make a prayer list of children, grandchildren, friends, co-workers, etc, and trust God to empower you with ways to impact the young people that surround your life.

Prayer: God, lead me today to people that need to know more about You and give me the strength and courage to share the facts of Your work with them.



