More Like Him
Romans 8:29, I John 2:6, Galatians 2:20, Romans 12:1-2, I Corinthians 11:1, Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 5;13-16
It is God’s plan to change the believer to be “more like Jesus” as He uses the events and people each day to work in the life of each believer. Some followers of Christ respond in obedience and change to the events in life. Yet others reject God’s work and become upset and angry with His moving in their life. Fanny Crosby wrote many years ago:
More like Jesus would I be,
Let my Savior dwell with me;
Fill my soul with peace and love,
Make me gentle as a dove;
More like Jesus, while I go,
Pilgrim in this world below;
Poor in spirit would I be;
One of the challenges and problems in this world today is that the believer often does not act, respond and speak like Christ, their Savior. Human nature wants all life to be comfortable and easy while God is making a “new person” in the believer. May we pray and live, “More like Jesus” today.
Prayer: Lord, open my spiritual eyes that I may see, all the things You wish to do in me, that I may be more like thee.