
I Corinthians 13:12, Isaiah 54:10, Joshua 14:12, Matthew 17:20, Numbers 13:30, 14:24

We all have mountains and challenges that often look devastating and impossible to the human eye.  However, like Caleb and Joshua of the Old Testament, we must remember that our God is greater than the mountains and problems.  It is imperative that God’s children:

  • Stay close to Him by reading the Bible daily

  • Keep their focus on God

  • Trust God to work in His time

  • Be faithful to God

  • Be obedient to the Bible

  • Do right

Caleb must have thought, over the years, that God had forgotten but he still remained faithful and obedient to the Lord.  So, we too must be faithful and obedient to God’s Word and the leading of His Holy Spirit, no matter how the situations and challenges look to the human eye.

Prayer. Oh, God, thank You for doing the impossible.  Continue to guide me to be faithful and obedient even though the way is difficult. Open my spiritual eyes that I see and remember Your power and faithfulness.


Walking and Living on the Right Path


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