Win Over Discouragement

Psalms 77:1-13, Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 29:11, Joshua 1:9, John 16:33, Psalms 27:13-14, Romans 8:28

One of the things that often plague many people is discouragement.  This can come as one watches the news, reads discouraging reports, or listens to people who are discouraged.  Those who do not know and trust the Lord certainly have many reasons for being afraid and discouraged.  According to Psalms 77, discouragement is driven away as one thinks of the works of God in creation and the miracles of the Word.  Also, it is important that the blessings and moving of God in and on the life of His child should bring refreshment and joy.  Yes, everyone has troubles, problems, hurts and pain in this sinful world but it is in the power and presence of Christ in the believer’s life that allows us to rise above these things.  We read in Isaiah 40:31 that if God is trusted and relied upon then we can rise above the situations. Also, the apostle Paul states in Philippians 4 that then the believer can have the “peace of God which passeth all understanding.”

So, set your focus on the Lord and His work in and on your life and thank Him that “He never leaves or forsakes His own.”

Prayer: God, I do trust Your work and peace. Guide me today to show others Your presence in my life.




An Attractive Vessel