
Psalm 119:164, Psalm 7:17, 35:18, I Thessalonians 5:16-18, II Thessalonians 1:3, Col. 4:2

Take some time to list the many blessings that God has given to you and do not forget all the people God has worked through to bless you. As many times as one is blessed by the mighty hand of God, His blessings come through people. One must be diligent to thank the Lord and the people He chooses to work through. It would be greatly beneficial for you to make a list now of the people God has moved to bless your life and then communicate your thankfulness to them by:

  • A letter

  • A text message

  • A Phone call

  • A visit

  • A special gift of thanks

Giving thanks is good for the soul as it guides one to hinge on the wonderful blessings in their life.

Declaration: I will thank the Lord and make a list of people to whom I am thankful today.


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