Sharing With Love
Hebrews 13:16, Luke 6:35, Proverbs 19:17, Romans 12:13, Philippians 2:3-4
In a day when it seems that many are only interested in their own prosperity and wants, it is a time when the followers of Christ have the joy of sharing and impacting others. Just as Christ, our Savior did, it is the believer’s joy and choice to reach out and become a vital part of another’s life. As a light in the dark world of sin and darkness, the followers of Christ can become God’s hand of love to the needy. Of course, a person must take care of their challenges and problems but as God’s ambassador, they can help one who is in need. However, selfishness, pride, and a judgmental attitude have kept many from the great joy of being an instrument of God to bring peace and comfort, and fill the space of loneliness and the lack of peace. Since we all have “our world” it is in this realm of acquaintances that God brings before us ones in need. So, stop and seek the Lord’s guidance in sharing with others and be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit to be God’s hand to someone today.
Prayer: Thank You Lord for the many blessings of life that I am enjoying today and lead me to others that need to see Your work in and through my life.
Project: Make a list of the people that the Lord is bringing to your mind now and how He wants you to minister to them.