Check It Out

Matthew 5:13-16, Proverbs 13:20, Acts 13:16, II Timothy 3:16-17, James 1:5, Proverbs 2

When one listens to an unwise person they often experience regret and suffer tragic consequences. It is how the believer talks, responds and behaves that unbelievers are influenced and drawn to the Lord.  However, one must be cautious not to allow their thoughts, ideas, and practices of life to be drawn away from living godly.  It is wise to be cautious about people that share ideas, plans and ways and to check them out by the Word of God.  Many a person has found themselves doing unbelievable things because they listened to and followed people in a way contrary to the Bible and God’s leading.  It is wise to be careful who we allow to influence our ways of thinking, living, and obeying.  There are many voices today and Biblical discernment must be exercised.

My declaration: I will be cautious who and what I allow to influence my thinking and living to be in obedience to the Bible.


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