His Wisdom

James 1:5, 3:13-17, I Samuel 2:3, Psalms 147:5, Romans 11:33

Everyone needs to make some crucial decisions and choices each day. We are told in the scriptures that the wisdom of God is available for the asking. Then in James 3, there is the description of wisdom which is worldly, and that which is heavenly. It is good to check one’s actions by the Bible and see if one is creating envy, strife, confusion, and evil works (which are of this earth). Instead, one should be displaying purity, peace, and gentleness (which is of heaven) James 3:13-18. It is the wise and obedient believer that carefully examines their choices and decisions to see if they are described as heavenly. If one discovers that their wisdom, words, or actions are not of the Lord, but earthly, they should confess their sins (I John 1:9) and seek the Lord in all things and live in obedience to Him.

Prayer: Lord, guide me to follow Your wisdom and not my own to be salt and light in my world.


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