Proverbs 26:21, Isaiah 35:4, 40:31, Philippians 4:6, II Timothy 1:7
Many have put wood on the fire to keep it going or to get a fire started. Sorrows and troubles will continue, just as the fire, if one keeps putting on fuel to make them go. Often believers pray for relief and release but keep putting “wood on the fire” as they continue to think about the situation and view it from every possible angle. In the Bible we are taught to:
Forget the situation and go on
Not hold onto bitterness
Be careful what we allow to come and stay in the mind
Love our enemies
Do good even to those who dislike us
Be God’s hand of blessing
So, stop putting “wood on the fire” and eventually it will go out. The situation of a person may not change, but their attitude will when the mind is cleaned out. Thank God today for the victory He gives in putting out the fire (bad-wrong situation) in your life and move on to serve Him.
Prayer: Thank You Lord for the victory You give to make me an Overcomer.