
Proverbs 15:1, Philippians 4:5, Galatians 5:22-23, Colossians 3:12, James 1:19-21, I Peter 3:1-6

In a world that seems to honor those who are outspoken and harsh, the believer is to be gentle and moderate according to the scriptures. One’s attitude and behavior demonstrate to the world what is in the heart (inner person). Many are attracted and drawn to the Lord by the conduct of moderation and gentleness as seen in the obedient servant of the Lord. Think of people you know that demonstrate this attitude and spirit and thank God for their life. Rather than talking and acting in harshness and without much thought, the voice and conduct of a gentle and moderate believer attract many to the “peace of God”. Is that true with your conduct and words? Take a few moments and evaluate your communications during the last few days and determine if you were considered a “gentle” person? We are instructed in the Word (I Jn. 1:9) to confess our sins to God and to make things right with others. May that be our goal and plan for this day.

Prayer: God, “May the words of my mouth and the meditating of my heart be acceptable unto You” and helpful to others today.


Another Gift

