Guideline For Today

Colossians 3:12-17, I Samuel 12:24, I Peter 4:10, I Timothy 4:12, Ephesians 6:7

There are many things to do each day and people with whom to interact in which the children of God are to do all this as “unto the Lord and not to men.” It is important that the follower of Christ prays and seeks God’s wisdom and gives themselves to the will and work of God each day. This does not mean one reads the word of God all day but everything that is said and done is in obedience to the Word. It might do well for each one to really examine their words and conduct each day to see if they are honoring the Lord or if they are trying to appear a certain way to others. Jesus was clear in teaching His followers not to say or do things to “appear unto others” in a certain way. So, our guide for today is to live, serve, give, and talk as “unto the Lord and not unto men.” Obedience is the great key to serving the Lord and helping others.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for all You have done for me and I yield to Your leading, guidance, and service today as I serve You and invest in others.


Cultivating A Merry Heart


The Bible