Traps Today
Ephesians 6:10-18, Romans 8:31-19, I Peter 5:8, Romans 12:2
It is with great caution and obedience that the wise person lives out each day. Lest the believer’s enemy, Satan, lure them into a trap. Traps are generally the least expected places, seem insignificant at first, and start in small ways. Potential traps are:
Pride and being self-centered
Anxiety and worry
Fear of the future
Worldly treasures
Impure and immoral thoughts and pictures
It is critical that one stays alert, sensitive, and obedient by:
An established quiet time each day
Regular inspection and cleaning the mind, heart, and behavior
Many a person lives in regret due to not being alert to the traps in life. As it has been said, “every choice has a consequence.”
My declaration: by God’s Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit I will be alert to potential traps.