
Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:16, II Peter 3:8, Proverbs 3:5-6, Ecclesiastes 9:7-10, Psalms 44:8

It is important and needed to plan for the days ahead, but one can only live one day at a time.  Sadly, many believers are so focused on the future that they miss out on living the day before them.  To be effective for the Lord’s wor,k and to complete His assignments, it is essential that one live today and:

  • Obey the Word

  • Invest in others

  • Be careful to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit

  • Share the blessings of God with others

One must be careful not to get so wrapped up in the future that they miss out on the blessings, opportunities, and assignments of today.  As one waits before the Lord and is obedient to His leading, one can live with power and effectiveness.

Prayer: Lord, lead me to do Your will today.


Great Joy


The Armor of God