Showing Love

I Corinthians 13:4-7, Psalms 41:1, John 15:12, I John 4:12, Ephesians 4:32, I Corinthians 4:7

Some believers seem to be more concerned about winning arguments than anything else.  At least, they want to give their “two cents worth” and voice their opinion.  However, in the Bible, our Lord reminds His children to love others and to demonstrate the changes that He is making in their hearts and lives.  Those who do not know and love the Lord are often given to arguments causing problems and division.  It has been said that many of the problems among believers today are because they cannot get along and do not seek to understand the needs of others.  The believer is not commissioned in the Bible to go forth and win arguments. Rather, they are to show the love and concern of the Lord so the unbelievers will be drawn to what only Christ can do in their life.

Prayer: Lord, open the eyes of my soul to see the needs of others. Help me to be a useable vessel to draw others to a knowledge of the Lord.


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