Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23, 23:19, Philippians 4:6-7, Psalms 51:10, Romans 12:2, Luke 6:45

People go to great extremes to protect various things, people, places, and ways. However, it is imperative, according to the scriptures, that the mind is guarded, for what goes into the mind goes into the inner person and has a great part in the way one acts and speaks. Norman Wright, in his book, A better way to think, writes that “thoughts are the origins of our behavior… thoughts stimulate an electrochemical response, which produces emotions, emotions result in an attitude, attitude produces behavior.” It is vitally important that a person is very careful about what they allow in their mind. It is in reading and applying the Bible to one’s life, prayer, and obedience to the Holy Spirit that the believer is guided about what they put into their mind. Jesus speaks about this when He teaches that it is out of the heart that a person speaks and lives.

Prayer: Lord, show me any and all the areas where I must be more careful to guard my mind.

Project: List areas, people, and thoughts that should fill the mind and govern life.


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