Run Away

Proverbs 29:6, 28:13, James 4:17, Proverbs 28:13, I Corinthians 15:33, Romans 13:14, I Corinthians 16:13

People run away from animals, insects, mice, spiders, or a challenging situation.  However, many are not quick to run away from people, places, practices, and situations that probably will cause them great regret and sorrow.  An illustration in the Bible is Joseph when he was confronted by an immoral and wicked woman (Genesi 39-47).  He was wise not to think over the situation but quickly removed himself from the presence of the temptation.  This is an important lesson as we journey throughout our day.  It is vitally important that one gets away from every sin lest one is drawn into the sin.  Yes, God forgives, but there are always consequences if one stays and becomes involved in the sin.

My declaration: I will be alert, wise, and obedient to remove myself so I do not become involved in the sin.


Control Your Emotions


It Does Matter: Words