Pain and Suffering
I Peter 4:12-19, 3:14, II Corinthians 4:17, Colossians 1:24, Isaiah 43:2
Often one begins thinking there should be no pain or suffering as they follow the directions of others. It is wise to feed the body that which is helpful and nutritious but to get to the place where there is no suffering and pain will probably not happen. Oh yes, one can eliminate certain pains but then other areas begin to be painful. It is easy to be drawn into the thinking that pain can and will be eliminated by taking and doing certain things. However, this is not true as one ages and the days take a toll on the body. One discovers they are not getting stronger. God does not promise to rid one of all pain and suffering but He does promise to give strength, grace, courage, wisdom, joy, peace, and much more. Anyone can finish well when life is fine, but it is in and through the pain suffering of life that one has the joy of sharing God’s presence and power with others.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your grace and courage to continue on today and make my life a blessing to others and an honor to Your power.