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Matthew 23:27-28, II Corinthians 4:16, I Samuel 16:7, Ephesians 3:16, Proverbs 23:7
As the physical body goes through stages and deteriorates, the inner person (for the believer) should become stronger and more intently tuned to spiritual growth and demonstration. In other words, the maturing Christian is becoming more like Christ as the inner person is being transformed by the Bible and the Holy Spirit. As this transformation takes place the words, actions, and behavior of the believer become more of what God desires to be developed in one’s life. As Dr. Francis Grubb has written in his book, The Glory of Aging, “As our outer physical being is drying up like an old squash, our inner Spirit-conceived child of God is growing and developing with new vigor and vitality daily.” So, it is wise that the inner person be checked often for any contamination or wrong motives so the transformation can continue.
Prayer: Search me oh God, that I will know what really is in my “inner person” (heart) driving my thoughts, words, actions, and behavior
Project: Write any adjustments or changes that God directs at this time.