Check Your Paths

Proverbs 27:12, 19, 21:21, Ephesians 5:15-16, John 6:35, Acts 20:24

To get where one wants to be one must be careful to regularly check the path they are taking. This is true in all areas of life. Thus the wise believer checks their:

  • Devotion and obedience to the Lord

  • Actions and words

  • Mind/thoughts

  • Heart, what is in the inner person

  • Financial investments… are they pleasing to the Lord

Yes, it is the wise believer that regularly checks their life, and after checking makes any and all changes as they are directed. God desires to give His children direction, wisdom, discernment, spiritual keenness, and much more but this only comes as believers obey the Holy Spirit. Tragically, believers often do not respond in obedience to the Lord and continue on the path of unconcern and disobedience. God does forgive and gives what is needed when His children respond. However, the price of walking the wrong path is often very difficult, so it is best to be wise and check one’s path often.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for showing me the real me and the paths I am taking today.

Project: List any paths that God reminds you of that need to be adjusted or changed and how you will obey Him.


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