Ephesians 5:15, I Timothy 4:12, Colossians 3:17, 4:6, I Peter 3:2
Whether one is conscious of the fact that they influence others or not, it is a fact. The way one talks, responds, behaves, and acts toward life and others has a great impact. People are attracted to the power of Christ working in one’s life by the way one conducts themselves. Sometimes a person’s light is not a bright light but is demonstrated by their attitude, response to others, and the way they act. Influence on others is a great challenge and responsibility that is often not considered important. T.W. Talmadge, many years ago said, “there is no such thing as a negative influence, we are all positive in the place we occupy, make the world better or making it worse.” It is said by many today that Christians act and live on Sunday one way and the rest of the week another way. This influences those around us and actually becomes a distraction and pushes people away from Christ and a new life. A believer is not perfect but is to be wise in their conduct, words, attitudes, responses, and involvements.
Prayer: Lord, show me today areas that I need to be careful about so I am being a good influence and my life is a vessel to draw others to You.