
I Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 17:9, I Corinthians 13:13, Ephesians 4:32, Psalms 139:23-24

One of the great problems in churches is that often some of the regular attenders and leaders are just “pretenders”. Each week they put on their “spiritual show” and as Jesus taught not to do they “seek to appear unto men”. I remember one time talking to a man and telling him about a business that I had visited as it was owned by a man in the church where I was visiting and his reply was, “Oh, he is a Christian, I did not know.” Without any further discussion the conclusion was that the owner of the business was pretending or seeking to appear a certain way before men. Now, it is important that we remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:1-5 that we are not to judge others but to check our own life. So, it would be good to take a few moments now and seek the Lord’s guidance in examing our own life to see if we are pretending. We usually do this to appear unto others one way to cover up something else.

Prayer: Lord, help me to know the truth about what is in my heart.

Project: List areas where pretending is essential to me and what I must do now.


Change Your Feelings


Take It To Him