A Good Influence
I Timothy 4:12, John 13:15, I Peter 2:12, Matthew 5:13-16, Titus 2:6-8, Colossians 3:16
Is a great joy and challenge each day to influence others. People are influenced by:
…and conduct in general. It is true and one must remember that many are watching and learning from how a believer acts in daily life. The writer Pat Willams says, “Influence is the ability to change hearts and minds through the way we live our lives.” Often people speak one way and live another. This kind of living causes great confusion and frustration. It may be as someone has said, “Your walk talks so loud I can’t hear what you are saying.” People do not expect perfection, but they are watching and being influenced. It is vitally important that the believer remembers and takes into account that they are God’s representative in all they say and do.
Prayer: God, empower and use me today to be a good and godly influence on others.