Proverbs 14:29, I Corinthians 1:4-5, Romans 12:12, Ephesians 4:2, Galatians 6:9, Matthew 5:13-16, II Corinthains 5:17
One of the characteristics that need to be practiced and demonstrated in daily life is patience. Patience has been defined as “the capacity to tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry and upset.” Putting up with people and the events of daily life show a great demonstration of the presence of Christ in a believer’s life. God continues to work in the life of His children to have the mind and attitude of Christ which is much different from the human mind. The mind of Christ is demonstrated in many ways and some of them are:
Putting up with people that create challenges and problems
Not speaking until one is sure God would have them get involved in the situation
Not judging others’ faults and failures
Being faithful to God and His Word no matter what others say or do
It is through patience that the love and work of Christ are shown in one’s life.
Prayer: Lord, help and guide me to be kind and to demonstrate Your love to others no matter what they say or do today.
Project: List the areas where you need to have God work in your life to demonstrate patience.