
Ephesians 3:20, Isaiah 65:24, John 13:7, 14:1, Psalms 34:6, Genesis 50:20, II Corinthians 4:17-18, Romans 8:28

Many have said that “God is God, and you are not.” Believers have placed their trust in God, and in their hearts… they believe that He knows and does what is best. Yet, when troubles, hurt, problems, pain, and the like come into life; quickly, if not sensitive, one tries to work hard to remove the challenge (even when they have said many times, “that all things work together for good, to them who love the Lord”). The human mind is so tuned to comfort, ease, and convenience that the character qualities that God knows that need to be developed in life are ignored. I remember that the coach would make the budding athletes run many miles to strengthen them for the challenges of the games to come. It is not that one should pretend and endure the pain as if they had none, but it is necessary to obediently respond to the events of life and cultivate the characteristics that are so needed in our life. The believer should respond to develop:

  • Patience

  • Endurance

  • Trust in the Lord

  • Godly wisdom

It is these character qualities, and the like, that are important to God and are developed by Him in the receptive life.

Prayer: Lord, help me see and know Your desires in my life today and give me the grace and strength to respond in obedience.


Living to Show Him


Most Important